Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Easy Beans & Applesauce

My baby, Alex, does not like meat--- unless it is pureed beyond recognition. We are also on a budget, so meat is not served every meal.

We often have organic refried bean burritoes-

Per 1 whole wheat burrito
-3 tablespoons organic refried beans
-1 generous pinch of sharp cheddar or 'mex' type cheese
-chopped tomatoes (get the tastiest ones possible, or go with organic diced tomatoes)
-crisp lettuce (romaine is our preference, but you can use iceberg or even frozen spinach)
-salsa to taste

corn on the cob side

Alex does not like these even diced very small... he only eats protein in disguise...

so for him, we:

-dice tortillas microwaved with cheese
-mix 1 tablespoon of beans and mix with 1 tablespoon of applesauce
-corn off the cobb side dish (or to play with/eat while parents are eating)
(we gave it this to Alex on the cob when his teeth were ready--he had 4 well sprouted)


  1. Love your blog. How old is Alex?

  2. He's 11 months now! I'll post more on Alex and myself soon! (I'll be adding a new recipe today with his favorite vegetable- carrots!)
