Wednesday, November 3, 2010

food frenzy

Well, I haven't been a good food blogger... but dwell not!

We've been without heat for a few days now and today I've been cooking frenziedly hoping to heat up the kitchen so I can move my fingers again. Roasting a garlic lemon chicken, acorn squash, beets and potatoes. Cooking up some stock, lentils, onions, potatoes, apples, beet greens to blend with a can of coconut milk, curry, red pepper and a 28 ounce can of pumpkin puree because I was too lazy to chop up pumpkin or bake it and scoop it out.

From 30 minutes of prep and 80 min of roasting/blending/plopping(the dumplings) I will have 1 chicken dinner, 2 chicken and dumpling dinners, 2 lentil pumpkin soup dinners...dumplings don't require much skill just flour, a little milk, butter and baking soda. Canned ones are a fine substitution, but I think you can taste the preservatives.

It would take me far longer to peruse the freezer section... and Alex is a huge soup/stew fan. He tested some pumpkin from the can before I decided to go the canned route.

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